Understanding that a school district is a direct reflection of the community it serves, the school board and leadership team of Frankton-Lapel Community Schools is committed to a facility planning strategy that reflects the priorities of the taxpayers and meets the needs of our students and communities.

As this process continues, we will share this information on this website, district emails, social media, and more.

Community Advisory Task Force


The Community Advisory Task Force is a dedicated group of community members focused on delivering their insight and input to the FLCS School Board as the board plans for the future of our schools. During these meetings, this team will cover the following: 

We are grateful to our community members for being a part of this process and providing input for the District to consider as we explore the options for moving forward with our facility planning. 

Task Force Meeting Highlights

Meeting #1

Meeting #1

Meeting #2

Meeting #2

Meeting #3

Meeting #3

Meeting #4

Meeting #4

Meeting #1: February 25, 2025

The first meeting of the Facility Task Force introduced members to the community engagement process and the role they will play in assessing and shaping the future of district facilities. Discussions covered the purpose of the task force, why we are here, the engagement process, school demographics, and the evolving landscape of education. As the world and educational needs continue to change, the group explored how these factors must be considered when planning for facility improvements.

Task force members had the opportunity to engage in discussions and submit their input based on the information shared. One key activity was the Brag, Worry, Wonder, Bet exercise, where participants recorded responses to the following:

Additionally, task force groups answered the following questions:

Check out the link for the slide deck used in the meeting as well as the input collected from the task force.

This meeting set the foundation for a collaborative and informed decision-making process, ensuring that community perspectives play a central role in shaping the district’s future.

Meeting #2: February 26, 2025

Meeting #2 focused on school finance and funding, featuring guest presenters Chad Blacklock (Stifel Public Finance) and Erik Long (Ice Miller Legal Counsel). They provided an overview of Indiana’s public school finance system, highlighting the increasing complexity of financial management due to legislative changes, teacher pay, student enrollment competition, inflation, and the role of operating referendums in maintaining district viability.

The presentation also covered:

This discussion provided critical context for the task force as they continue exploring facility needs and potential funding solutions.

Meeting #3: March 11, 2025

On March 11, members of the community task force toured Frankton Elementary School to assess how the building supports student learning and identify potential areas for improvement. The tour focused on both the school’s infrastructure and learning environments, providing valuable insights to help guide future planning and decision-making for the facility.

The infrastructure tour of the building was led by Superintendent Boles and John Willis, COO. The learning environment tour was conducted by Principal Gray and Wendy Smedley, CLO.

Meeting #4: March 12, 2025

On March 12, members of the community task force toured Lapel Elementary and Middle School to explore how the facilities support student learning and identify potential areas for improvement. The tour provided valuable insights into the school’s infrastructure and learning environments, helping to inform future planning and decision-making for the facility.

The infrastructure tour of the building was led by Superintendent Boles and John Willis, COO. The learning environment tour was conducted by Assistant Principal Huntzinger and Wendy Smedley, CLO.


Community Listening Session Highlights


On February 11 and 12, community members had the opportunity to participate in listening sessions focused on the current and future needs of school district facilities. One session was held at Frankton Elementary, and the other at Lapel Elementary and Middle School

A total of 25 community members participated in these sessions, engaging in open and constructive discussions about the district’s facilities. The sessions began with a brief presentation led by Community Engagement Specialists from SitelogIQ and Superintendent Sterling Boles, providing an overview of key facility considerations and challenges. 

Following the presentation, most of the time was dedicated to listening to community feedback. Participants worked in small groups to discuss and respond to four key questions designed to spark conversation about priorities, concerns, and ideas for the district’s facilities.

The feedback collected from the listening sessions can be viewed below, along with the presentation used during the meetings.


Question 1: What do you appreciate about our communities? What concerns do you have?

Group 1 – Frankton, Feb 11

Group 2 – Frankton – Feb. 11

Group 3 – Frankton, Feb. 11

Group 1 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 2 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 3 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 4 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Question 2: If you could redesign one part of the school you attended as a child, what would it be and why?

Group 1 – Frankton, Feb 11

Group 2 – Frankton – Feb. 11

Group 3 – Frankton, Feb. 11

Group 1 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 2 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 3 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 4 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Question 3: In what ways can the district’s school facilities better support student learning and success?

Group 1 – Frankton, Feb 11

Group 2 – Frankton – Feb. 11

Group 3 – Frankton, Feb. 11

Group 1 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 2 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 3 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 4 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Question 4: How do you balance the need for quality schools with concerns about tax impact? What would make an investment in schools feel “worth it” to you?

Group 1 – Frankton, Feb 11

Group 2 – Frankton – Feb. 11

Group 3 – Frankton, Feb. 11

Group 1 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 2 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 3 – Lapel, Feb. 12

Group 4 – Lapel, Feb. 12